This week I’m here with pastor James from the village of Waibale, he’s been with us for a week or so now. He got into an accident on the motorcycle, someone hit him. He has an injury and he’s been here recovering. Prayers for him that he could continue to recover steadily and completely. It’s a miracle that he’s alive! We praise God that His hand was in there and that James remains with us.
This week graduation happened, year two is officially over. The dorms have closed, the students have gone home. We did a survey before they left. They tell us we’re doing good, which is love. But, I’m actually organizing a train the trainer with Ann in July. We want to help the teachers become better teachers. Helping us to be transformed more and more into that image of Christ, too. We’re going to look at a couple topics, even including how Christ himself taught. Prayers for us that we would be able to get that organized and it would be something useful for the teachers.
Had our last meeting today with teachers and released them for the month of June so they can go and rest. Because as you teachers know, you people who teach, your schedule is weird when school is in session and that summertime, that is the time to rest. So I’m giving them a month off.
Peter left immediately to go visit his family. You know he’s getting married here in a couple weeks and he went home to do the final preparations with his family. He should be back to us in 10-12 days. His introduction, which is the cultural wedding, happens on the 15th. The church wedding happens on the 22nd. Prayers for those events and their marriage. If you would like to send him a gift please contact me and I’ll let you know how to do that ( or what’sapp +15052286556).
Coming up this next week, work for a living seminar is starting. This is a conference teaching people how to work as unto the Lord, how to represent Christ well in the workforce. It covers so many topics, it’s a nice little program. Thank you to everyone who donated to make that possible. We’re also doing the scale outreach again but at our own church. It is to inspire them to come and get involved, to see how easy it really is. Then Saturday morning next week we will go out and weigh and measure people again. Trying to refine our methods and reach more people for Christ.
We also going to do some repairs around the education building over the next couple weeks. And I’m planning to take some cultural training with a local lady. To try to understand some things better that happen here that I just don’t get.
So, that’s what’s been going on! Thank you guys for coming on this journey, for praying for us, and advancing the kingdom of God wherever you’re at. God bless you guys and I’ll talk to you next week.

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